《Kiss The Rain》是一首公认的好听的钢琴曲,出自韩国音乐家Yiruma之手,写这首歌的时候,是在一个星星满天的夜晚,忽然间一场雨,让Yiruma有感而发写下《Kiss The Rain》这首曲子。虽然已经听过无数遍了,但是再次聆听,依然触动心弦。
My heart stopped. It just stopped beating. And for the first time in my life, I had that feeling. You know, like the world is moving all around you, all beneath you, all inside you, and you're floating. Floating in midair. And the only thing keeping you from drifting away is the other person's eyes. They're connected to yours by some invisible physical force, and they hold you fast while the rest of the world swirls and twirls and falls completely away.