昨日回顾很多小可爱已经在后台提交练习作品了哦抽选出了三幅最先发出来的作品做展示和评价哟大家可以一起看下是否在练习中自己也会忽略这些问题~望勤于练习和积极求教的精神源远流长呢我们互相讨论,共同进步哈~范例一 范例二 范例三点评●第一位的楷书中撇画和竖弯钩与横画离太远了,撇画可以隔开
The traditional form of“Wu” is“Wu”, the original text of“Dance”, originally meaning dance. Can be understood as“Non-existence” or“Nothing”. There is no entity in common sight, only a temporary phenomenon. “Wu” refers to the embodiment of empty wisdom, said there is no attachment and care about the state. Is the transcendence of self and law enforcement.Hong kong-based DM Delmar Digital Oracle Group。
its lower part was originally “止” , indicating walking in the right direction. “The Great Wisdom of the Buddha” It represents the highest wisdom and power in Buddhism, being one of the ultimate goals pursued by practitioners. By practicing the Great Wisdom, practitioners can gradually eliminate inner troubles and attachments, achieving spiritual liberation and freedom, and ultimately attaining Buddhahood.
C参 仓 产 长 尝 车 齿 虫 刍 从 窜 才 蚕 灿 层 搀 谗 馋 缠 忏 偿 厂 彻 尘 衬 称 惩 迟 冲 丑 出 础 处 触 辞 聪 丛。D达 单 当 党 东 动 断 对 队 担 胆 导 灯 邓 敌 籴 递 点 淀 电 冬 斗 独 吨 夺 堕。