处处生机的春天会让人感到快乐,因此这个表达就用来形容人兴高采烈、充满喜悦的样子,开心的状态。Ben seems full of the joys of spring today - he must have some good news about his exam results.
【En】Mean that other people often seem to be in a better situation than you, but in reality their situation may not be as good as it seems. 意思是其他人的处境似乎比你更好,但实际上他们的处境可能没有看起来那么好。
今天分享一篇阅读理解。可以学习草地的话题时进行同步阅读,也可以作为日常的阅读材料。每日10分钟英语阅读,养成习惯,孩子的英语学习不用愁。这篇文章的题目是:GrasslandsGrasslands草原1.Earth has lots of grasslands.地球上有很多草原。
grasshopper /ˈɡræshɑːpər/ n. 蚱蜢; 蝗虫;点击音频收听跟读 ↓↓↓↓↓↓(中慢速带读)(音频不显示请关闭头条app后台重新打开或者更新最新版本)例句/词组:There are some grasshoppers in my house.
You may think this is too unusual a story to be grasped by the common mind. Well, have you ever seen how the bamboo shoots grow?
与草原相关的旅游句子,让你玩得轻松又愉快!1. Do you love horse riding?你喜欢骑马吗?2. I love the feeling that I am like flying on the horse back.我很喜欢骑在马背上像飞一样的感觉。3.
Chinahas made new strides in advancing afforestation in 2019 with the area of newly created forests totaling 7.067 million hectares, the rep
【答案】The pay arrived at last. Although the job was very tiring, I was very happy in my heart for I got something from my work. The toil of labor was forgotten for the time being. I thought I should have my own money and planned how to spend it. “How much money have you earned?”
听绘本请点击下方音频《The Ant and the Grasshopper》蚂蚁和蚱蜢,来自伊索寓言,讲述了一个发人深省的故事。夏天时,蚱蜢只知道玩耍,完全不为过冬做准备,还嘲笑辛勤工作的蚂蚁;到了冬天,蚱蜢找不到食物,也没有任何存粮,饿得奄奄一息,最后跑到蚂蚁那里讨吃的。
Being woken by an alarm during one of the 90-minute cycles is often what makes people feel groggy in the morning – making it seem harder to get up out of bed.打工人白天上班已经很辛苦了,晚上更应该对自己好一点,比起熬夜耍手机,睡个好觉才是对身体最好的奖励。