每日英语短文听读,培养孩子语感,多听多读是提口语的捷径!英语新课标下,每天坚持阅读是王道- 练听力,循环听磨耳朵,拉升听力词汇- 练口语,跟着音频立即读 或 暂停一句读一句- 练演讲与写作,自主阅读复述,所选主题契合中高kao选题方向,适合背记,积累写作素材本内容包含:1.
In the semiconductor chip field, Intel and Nvidia were both industry giants in the past. However, in recent years, Intel has gradually fallen behind Nvidia. There are many reasons behind this.
As a Chinese student, my day starts in the morning. I usually wake up at 6:30 AM, which is quite common for students here.