医生告诉她,婴儿没有存活的机会,但如果继续妊娠,该名女子有感染的风险,这可能导致败血症而死亡。So she did: booking a seat, as advised, near the toilets in case she went into labour. She reached the clinic in time and is now healthy. But things could have turned out differently, if she had not had the cash for a plane ticket, say, or if no clinic had been able to give her an appointment. “It is barbaric to put a woman in distress on a plane to another state,” says Carole Joffe, a professor at the Bixby Centre for Global Reproductive Health at the University of California, San Francisco. “It is not how you do medicine in a civilised country.”
词根vil,vuln,vul, vuls,vult = pluck,tear 撕,扯,野蛮。词根来源于拉丁语 vellere,vulnus 撕,扯,词根vul,vuls,vult 为 vuln 的变体。
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