知乎上曾经有过一个这样的问题:“为什么《哈姆雷特》有那么多好句,To be or not to be却成了最有名的句子?”这短短6字在英国到底有多火?但凡演员,无人不背。但凡路人,无人不会。究其原因,还得从《哈姆雷特》这部经典说起。01、从环球到全球:为什么会是《哈姆雷特》?
“To be or not to be, that is the question. ”这句永恒的发问,出自威廉·莎士比亚四大悲剧之首的《哈姆雷特》。12月8日15:00,英国TNT剧院原版英语话剧《哈姆雷特》将登上保利剧院院线·深圳坪山大剧院的舞台。
如:hoist with his own petard,play fast and loose,cold comfort,at one fell swoop,as good luck would have It,Brevity is the soul of wit,I must be cruel only to be kind,Love is blind,It's Greek to me。
一 词组1 stage set 舞台设计,舞台布置2 quite a few 相当多3 be full of 充满4 date back to 追溯到5 200 years of history 两百年的历史6 find out 查清,弄清7the Peking Opera ve