The CRH380A Hexie is a Chinese electric high-speed train that was developed by CSR Corporation Limited and is currently manufactured by CRRC Qingdao Sifang. As a continuation of the CRH2-380 program it both replaces foreign technology in the CRH2 with Chinese developments and increases its top speed. The CRH380A is designed to operate at a cruise speed of 350 km/h and a maximum speed of 380 km/h in commercial service. The original 8-car train-set recorded a top speed of 416.6 km/h during a trial run. The longer 16-car train-set reached 486.1 km/h .
来源:大江网 大江网/大江新闻客户端讯 江南都市报全媒体记者章娜摄影报道:3月18日,随着印有“优质土特产就选井冈山”主题字样的和谐号G2737次列车缓缓驶入南昌火车站站台,标志以“井冈山”农产品区域公用品牌冠名的高铁正式开行。