中新网山西新闻3月9日电 近日,山西太原古交市庆祝第114个“三八”国际妇女节“我们的节日•我的十年”主题演讲故事会,在岔口乡关头村晋绥八分区召开。各党(工)委妇联主席、“我的十年”故事讲述者、最美巾帼志愿者代表等120余人参加活动。
Secondly, as a female entrepreneur, on the way to the construction of the free trade port, we should assume social responsibility and contribute our power and love. 2019, I saw a piece of news----”express delivery mother” Yangxing , when I knew her difficulty from Sanya Women’s Federation I contacted Women’s Federation immdediately and let Yangxing’s daughter----Songyang come to my training center to study.But Songyang has some physical problems, she can’t live without her mother’s care. Yangxing should take care of Songyang anytime. If Yangxing looks after her daughter at training center. She won’t have any income. To live or to study, it is a difficult choice for Yangxing. Finally I provided a job for Yangxing. In this way, she can take care of her daughter and get some income at the same time. With mother’s accompany, Songyang can play with other students and her study is getting better and better. Yangxing and her daughter are happier and happier now. The news of “express delivery mother”was reported by CCTV, Hainan TV, Sanya TV, Sanya Daily, People’s Daily Online.