【来源:辽宁日报】数据来源:《长城国家文化公园(辽宁段)建设保护规划》本报记者 卢立业辽宁长城资源丰富,整体呈“M”状蜿蜒分布,西接燕山余脉,东至鸭绿江畔,北抵内蒙古草原,南临渤海之滨。与其他地区的长城相比,辽宁长城有哪些与众不同之处?我们邀请几位特别嘉宾讲讲他们眼中的辽宁长城。
To protect itself from being threatened by the rising Jurchen tribes on the eastern border, the Ming had invested a huge amount of money to build garrisons and fortifications, and to make its Great Walls impregnable. In fact a “Guan- Ning-Jin Line” had been constructed along the border. Ironically, however, the Ming suffered a crushing defeat, unable to withstand the Jurchen iron cavalry.