Baum has many jobs before he becomes a successful writer. He is a journalist, a chicken farmer, a salesman and an actor. He manages his own theatre and writes plays for it.He even has a shop. But most of his careers end in failure.In 1882 Baum marries Maud Gage.Together they have four sons.鲍姆在成为一名成功的作家之前有过很多工作。1900年,他发表了《绿野仙踪》,并立即取得了成功。
深圳晚报讯 8月12日,由华润万象天地剧场、戏剧英语文化发展有限公司主办,深圳市关爱办、深圳市妇女联合会、深圳晚报社、深圳市关爱行动公益基金会、晚报爱基金指导的百老汇音乐剧《绿野仙踪》演出在万象天地剧场连演两场,小演员们为大家带来了一场精彩绝伦的全英文音乐剧。
The next morning they left the Emerald City.The green man took away their glasses and told them the way to the Witch’s house.‘Everybody is afraid of the Witch of the West,’ he said.‘So be careful!’。绿衣人拿走了他们的眼镜,给他们指了去往女巫房子的路。