成分较为简单,主要是硅油和角鲨烷,亲肤性好,滋润度高,不厚重。鲸蜡基-PG 羟乙基棕榈酰胺属于一种神经酰胺,我们前面提过生理性脂质体包括神经酰胺、胆固醇、游离脂肪酸,按照特定比例添加才具有加速修护屏障的功效,单独添加不具有加速屏障修护的功效,更多作为保湿成分。
To be absorbed through the skin, a chemical must pass through the epidermis, glands, or hair follicles. Sweat glands and hair follicles make up about 0.1 to 1.0 percent of the total skin surface. Though small amounts of chemicals may enter the body rapidly through the glands or hair follicles, they are primarily absorbed through the epidermis. Chemicals must pass through the seven cell layers of epidermis before entering the dermis where they can enter the blood stream or lymph and circulate to other areas of the body. Toxins and toxicants can move through the layers by passive diffusion. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis and the rate-limiting barrier in。
主要是护肤品种类繁多,品牌争先恐后地宣传,让大家反而感到为难:“究竟我用啥好”?如果你想购买医美护肤品,希望你先明白:1. 敏感肌、痘肌是医美护肤品的最佳适用人群,因为它们成分精简、修复力佳,对皮肤伤害最小;
作者:Mic呆呆 换季,这个时候真的是很让人奔溃,继续用冬天比较厚重滋润的太油,提前开始用夏天清爽些的又太干,中性偏干再加上有点敏感,真的是让人身心俱疲。不过就算如此,还是不能作妖,乱用一气,得继续依照自己的肤质来做好脱敏、保湿和防晒。