最近在与学员沟通,浏览文章时,发现了一个现象。基本所有的学员或中文媒体在翻译“中国大陆”的时候,都是用的Chinese mainland。但是,当我去看西方媒体的报道时,几乎很少看到Chinese mainland这个表达,而是用的Mainland China。
中国是世界四大文明古国之一,在中国五千年历史上,从夏商周到春秋战国,再到秦始皇统一统一中国,及后续朝代更迭,中华大地始终有一个统一的名字“中国”,意思是“位于世界中心的国家”,英语中也长期使用“Middle Kingdom”或者“Central Kingdom”来表示中国。
【真句】These include plants that have sensors printed onto their leaves to show when they’re short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater.【2020全国1】其中包括在叶子上印上传感器以显示何时缺水的植物,以及可以检测地下水中有害化学物质的植物。
late 14c., “soda ash,” from Medieval Latin alkali, from Arabic al-qaliy “the ashes, burnt ashes” , from qala “to roast in a pan.” Later extended to similar substances, natural or manufactured. The modern chemistry sense is from 1813.
“China's” refers to something that belongs to China, or is an action or attitude that can be attributed to China or its government. It is much narrower in usage than “Chinese” and should probably be avoided when trying to emphasise Chinese possession of things, people, or territories.好啦,今天的小知识点,你学会了嘛?
需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!据说 “shanghai” 这个单词,在很早以前一些外国人从欧洲来上海做生意的时候,一些水手们很多是不愿意远度重洋到海外工作的,而船长都是先把他们骗到船上去,等开船以后,人们才发现要去的地方是上海,所以呢当时人们就直接脱口而出了这样的一句话:We're shanghaied. -- 我们被骗了。
必叔在牛津词典上查阅到shanghai中这个词汇的解释是:“To trick or force somebody into doing something that they do not really want to do.That may or may not be true.The last time I saw him was in May.