First, we should keep our bodies healthy. We need to eat healthy food and we also need to exercise every day. For example, we can run for 30 minutes every morning or play sports after school. And we also need enough sleep every day. Second, mental health is also very important. We need to love our life and try to be positive to solve the problem. We should not run away from things when we have problems. We need to get along well with others as well.
中 考倒计时180 Day寒 假倒计时31 Day中考按照往年的时间进行大致推算,一模考时间按最早考试的区进行推算。月底就要一模考了,怎么办呀!不知道啊,你复习得怎么样了?我要凉凉了ㅠ ㅠ但这都要2025年了,一模没用了吧……真的吗?一模“摆”了?!
来源:上海市教育考试院聚焦立德树人 加强教考衔接2025年上海市普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科目暨“外语一考”(笔试)于2025年1月5日上午顺利进行。考试结束后,市教育考试院邀请英语学科专家对试卷进行了评析。