Redefining the meaning of a sales office in the city. In view of the extremely compressed cycle of this project, cleanliness, relaxation and gentleness are the starting points. From the beginning of extreme comfort to the romantic atmosphere, we hope that users can enjoy the experience from “CAFE ROOM” TOUR“ is a relaxing communication environment.
新京报讯 2月9日,在龙年新春除夕夜,中海长安街王盘项目中海寰宇天下五期“天镜”案名正式发布。据了解,中海寰宇天下五期“天镜”是寰宇项目的收官之作,亦是中海寰宇天下“王盘”基因与中海“天系”高端项目基因的双IP合体之作。
(中海寰宇天下营销中心内看房场景)红网时刻新闻5月22日讯(记者 康希)上周(5.14-20),长沙楼市再现供销双降的局面,一周商品住宅套数上榜门槛较前一周也有所下降。其中中海寰宇天下以30套的成交量位列榜首,也有如中建钰山湖、运达滨河广场等纯高端改善盘位列前十名单。