来源:中国知网 原创稿1986年的时候,艾芙琳·爱因斯坦将祖父爱因斯坦生前的大批情书公诸于世。这些情书让世人对爱因斯坦这位“站在物理学之巅”的天才,有了全新的认识,爱因斯坦一直受人诟病的私生活,再次被大众提起。
“During spring 1901, Mileva realizes that she is expecting a baby. In late fall she returns to her parent's home where, in January 1902, she gives birth to a girl named Lieserl. At this time, Einstein is without permanent employment, a marriage seems not to be an option. The subsequent fate of the girl is not known. In 1901 Einstein submits a doctoral thesis to the University of Zurich. Because of strong indications that the thesis will not be accepted, he withdraws the manuscript, thereby saving the rather expensive promotion fee...
作者简介:泽夫·罗森克兰茨(Ze'ev Rosenkranz):出生于澳大利亚墨尔本,在奥地利维也纳长大。1981年移居以色列,2002年到美国工作,现任加州理工大学爱因斯坦文稿计划助理主任,《爱因斯坦全集》资深编辑。