Spirited 98-year-old kung fu granny Zhang Hexian recently became a social media sensation after video clips of her showing off her amazing kung fu moves at a martial arts competition, which was held to promote public fitness, in a village in Ninghai county, east China’s Zhejiang province.
#中国共产党的湖北故事# #Open湖北洞见中国#今天上午(5月30日),来自全球各国的党宾政要登上中国千年名楼——黄鹤楼。现场,在湖北武当山习武13年的美国人杰克为大家展示了太极功夫。杰克告诉外宾们:“中国功夫的魅力在于修身养性,在于内在心灵的修炼,在于传播中华文化。
在 Tik Tok 上, # Kungfu 这个话题的浏览量,居然高达 12 亿。他发过的一段意形拳定格视频,在 Tik Tok 上拿下了 1790 万的点赞,成功圈粉150 万,截至目前已经斩获了 450 万粉丝。