When I was 15 or 16 years old, I met a young man. He was as bright as the sun, which made me dare not forget。六岁那年,抓住了蝉以为抓住了整个夏天,十五岁这年,牵住了她的手,以为抓住了永远。
The Hollywood Reporter披露了选角标准:A team of casting directors visited five continents and saw nearly 1,000 candidates for the role, which requires credible martial arts skills,the ability to speak English and the most ineffable requirement of all: star quality.
在法国,许多城市已经不允许有野生动物表演的马戏团演出。Animal rights group Fondation Brigitte Bardot said in a statement it would welcome all circus animals, “who are currently kept captive and exploited in terrible circumstances”.
来源:SMTOWN#EXO#《#Monster#》&《#LuckyOne#》荣登6月份在美国及全世界播放次数最多的K-POP MV第一位!#太妍#《#Starlight#》荣登6月份在美国及全世界播放次数最多的K-POP MV第四位!
The woman behind China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission中国嫦娥五号任务背后的女人A 24-year-old female space commander has become a viral sensation on Chinese soc
爱豆新闻讯 GOT7 Jackson-Infinite圣圭-A Pink普美-BTOB镒勋将一起出击于20日播出的MBC Every1《一周的偶像》,与观众朋友们见面。据悉《一周的偶像》将在20日迎来5周年纪念,并将连续3周播出5周年纪念特辑。
DDC 2周年了。我们为大家奉上四场特别演出,希望能与大家共庆生。7.19 TUE. DDC 2周年特别双专场:PARAMECIA + HARRIDANS▼7.20 WED. DDC GRAND JAM 超级大芥末 2周年特别场▼7.23 SAT.
Williams创作,曲目将于100年后的2117年正式发行,唯一前提是#IFWECARE#。《100 YEARS》作品在上海的私享派对上首度揭开面纱,这也是Pharrell Williams唯一一次演绎该作品。