3月6日20时,中国国际电视台CGTN在《TheWorld Today》栏目中,播出英语新闻《Hainan Free Trade Port Resumes Operation》,通过海南炼化年产百万吨乙烯项目、洋浦港各码头正逐步复工复产、海南首艘汽车外贸船到港等采访,向全世界介绍
比如CGTN官网最近报道了在海外走红的阿木爷爷以及李子柒:A 63-year-old Chinese grandpa's traditional carpentry skills are delighting tens of millions of viewers online as he creates woodwork without glue, screws or nails.
介绍了腊八节的来源以及习俗:China's traditional Laba Festival is celebrated on the eighth day of the 12th month of the lunar Chinese calendar, which falls on January 10 this year. It's regarded as the prelude to Chinese New Year, as an old Chinese saying goes “Spring Festival comes right after the Laba Festival.”
Xi said that it is inevitable that China and the United States, two major countries with different national conditions, have some differences, and the key is to respect each other's core interests and major concerns, and find appropriate ways to solve issues.
北京时间3月7日上午,CGTN(中国国际电视台)The World Today《今日世界》栏目播出了四川省省长黄强接受中国国际电视台记者的专访。记者:省长,您好!欢迎接受我们的采访。“十四五”规划是今年两会的重要内容。
Nikkei: According to the information on the website of Japan Coast Guard, the buoy installed in waters to the northeast of Taiwan has disappeared. The Japanese government believed that it’s because China removed the buoy. Is this judgment of the Japanese government consistent with the actual situation?
2022年2月8日,全球化智库研究员Harvey Dzodin接受CRI World Today采访并就加拿大对新冠病毒的游行抗议等话题与记者交流讨论。2月8日 CCG研究员Zoon Ahmed Khan参与Sky News节目录制。
Acrolein is used to control plants, algae, rodents and microorganisms. It is a clear liquid at room temperature, and it is toxic. It can cause inflammation and irritation of the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
2023年5月19日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’sRegular Press Conference on May 19, 2023应国务院总理李强邀请,俄罗斯联邦政府总理米舒斯京将于5月23日