在那份文件中,有着那样一段话:Whether China was fighting on the Soviet side or not in a war, SAC treated it as part of the Soviet bloc and listed Chinese airfields and cities in the target lists, including Beijing. Of the list of targets scheduled for “systematic destruction,” Beijing was in the top 20 with 23 DGZs. The list included several Air Power targets, including two Air Force military control centers and two Air Force storage areas. The location of those installations suggests that Beijing would have been targeted with thermonuclear weapons early in the war. For Beijing and its suburban district Fengtai, SAC identified various infrastructural and military DGZs, including “Population” targets.
来源:科技日报 【院士口述·大国底气背后的故事】◎记者 张盖伦 陈 瑜 吴叶凡“老有人问我们当时怎么想的,我就先说这个。”10月15日下午,面对来访的记者,中国科学院院士、核化学家王方定打开了话匣子。96岁的王方定声音洪亮,带了点四川乡音。今年是中国第一颗原子弹爆炸成功60周年。