pave the way xinchi外语pave the way美 [peɪv ðə weɪ] 为……作准备;为……铺平道路短语pave the way for 铺平道路pave the way to 为…铺平道路to pave the way for 为Pave the wa
By the way, please tell Helen if you meet her that our outgoing plan for this weekend has been cancelled.
关于“道路”的诗词歌赋、童话小说;诸如:条条大路通罗马;其实地上本没有路,走的人多了,也便成了路;路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。那么,走在乡间的小路上的“在路上”,用英语怎么说呢?“在路上”的英语表达:是on the way? 是in the way?还是by the way?