注意:ache指身体上隐隐的、持续的疼痛,也可喻指心中的痛,常用以构成复合词。Here are some pieces of advice to avoid a stomach ache during the year-end celebrations.
作者:吴岳恒作者单位:内蒙古医科大学临床麻醉学名词解释(含英文缩写)MAC肺泡最小有效浓度(minimum alveolar concentration, MAC):指在一个大气压下,使50%受试对象对伤害性刺激无体动反应的肺泡内麻醉药的浓度。
Words and Expressions in Each Unit七年级上册英语单词表Starter Unit 1good /gud/ adj. 好的morning /'mɔ:niŋ/ n. 早晨;上午Good morning! 早上好!hi /hai/ interj.
本文原载于《环球科学》。我们对疼痛的预期、看法以及个人情绪,会强烈地影响到疼痛程度和我们每天所作的决定。撰文 霍华德·L·菲尔茨(Howard L. Fields)翻译 冯志华数年前,一位老人到我所在的美国芝加哥库克郡医院(Cook County Hospital)的急诊室就诊。
The girl who helps me every day is beautiful.How do you thank the people who have helped you?why+ there be。
2020年国际疼痛学会重新定义了疼痛:Pain: An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage“。
The most common way of talking about pain in English is using the verb hurt. There are two main ways of using this verb: you can say that a part of your body hurts, such as “my ankle hurts,” or you can use “it hurts” when explaining something that is painful to do, like “it hurts to walk.”如果你的疼痛比上述两个词程度还深,可以用。