The big cheese describes any person in a position of importance. Most often, it is used to describe a boss at work. Not just any boss could be the big cheese—a middle manager would not have enough leadership clout. This phrase is reserved for the top executives in an organization.
说到“放屁”,不禁想起在联合国气候变化大会(COP26)的晚宴上拜登和英国王储妃卡米拉闲聊时突然放响屁吓了旁边的卡米拉一跳,尴尬到脸红后来还逢人便说:It was long and loud and impossible to ignore这个屁又长又响,让人无法忽视一起来看看最
InMandarin fangpi not only means fart, but also can be used to describe someone’s behavior when he or she is talking nonsense.在普通话里,“放屁”不仅仅是
猴子monkey海豚 dolphinpanda猪pig狐狸 fox 猫 cat河马 hippomonkey ['mʌŋki] 猴子模块:mon 摸你近似音,key 可以近似音联想:猴子想摸你,可以吗?dolphin [ˈdɒlfɪn] 海豚模块:do 单词做,l 像棍子,ph 炮
自从有了宝宝,文雅的你以前从来不说的一些诸如打嗝、流鼻涕、拉撒、放屁、吐痰等“恶心”词儿,如今变成时常挂在嘴边的高频词。如果这篇文章有一点重口味,请见谅。其实, When it comes to your child, nothing is disgusting.
It’s easy for things to get lost in translation when one travels to a far off land, but it appears it’s not just tourists who are having dif
在生活中,如果大家有一些问题想要请教某个人,就可以这样来表达:If you have some time later, I like to pick your brain about some questions.