Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
2024年12月6日,上海。城市的脉动与机械的心跳在此刻同频,现实与科幻在上海这座魔都完美融合。来自塞伯坦的集结号在上海黄浦江畔吹响,由孩之宝公司(Hasbro Inc.)主办的“2024变形金刚塞伯坦年会”今日在上海世博创意秀场拉开帷幕。
Partof the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.
Part of the article is based on materials from the internet, it shall only be use for appreciation and reading. Not for other purposes.