speech or writing that is rambling is very long and does not seem to have any clear organization or purpose。假期那么短,人生那么长,听点废话又何妨?
InMandarin fangpi not only means fart, but also can be used to describe someone’s behavior when he or she is talking nonsense.在普通话里,“放屁”不仅仅是
12. I've heard so much about you.13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here.14. Let's get together again.15. That''s a great idea!
Bock,cock,dock,gock,hock,jock,lock,mock,nock,pock,rock,scok,tock。Do you know how to bock into the system?
Share interest, spread happiness, increase knowledge, and leave beautiful. Dear you, this is the LearingYard Academy!
1.You bet. 一点也没错。为什么当老美说,"You bet." 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为 bet 是下赌注的意思,所以 "You bet." 就是指,"You can bet money on that.
【英语】phrase [freɪz]n. 片语, 成语, 惯用语v. 用短语表达 【法语】phrase [fraz]f. 句子,语句;乐章 【德语】Phrase [die] pl.Phrasen 惯用语。