【CEO】 Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官【CFO】 Chief Financial Officer 首席财务官【COO】 Chief Operated Officer 首席运营官【CTO】 Chief Technology Officer 首席技术官
总经理【GM】 General Manager 副总裁【VP 】 Vice President 第一副总裁【FVP】 First Vice President 副总裁助理【AVP 】 Assistant Vice President 人力资源总监【HRD 】 Human Reso
对于副职,大家都知道副总裁、副总裁叫VP,所以对vice表示副职最熟悉,但是英文里不同职位的副职对应的单词不一样,还有deputy, associate, assistant等词汇,下面来说说这些词汇的使用场景。
Not fearing of the prison guards’ cruelty, he kept active and begged no mercy from them. As a matter of fact, he was always hopeful and never lost heart during the stage even though he was in trouble.例句:A blanket of silence descended. 大家都沉默不语。
Yet his title is “General Manager,” whereas the man who heads up the small independent competitor is called a “president” and enjoys all the status and recognition that go to the head of a business.因此基本上,大企业给予管理者的头衔必须能与他们承担的责任和重要性相称。
在日常的邮件还有会话当中我们总是会使用一些英文的缩写就连讲话的时候也难免会夹带些今天就来学习一下办公室这些常用的英文用语吧~FYI/FYRFYI=foryour informationFYR所表达的意思也是相近的就是表示“供你参考”的意思常常会出现在邮件当中如果在协助同事工作的时