还能增强免疫功能,提高对疾病的抵抗力,改善精神状态,可以说睡眠是天然的补药。Good sleep can not only eliminate body fatigue, and promote the growth of body tissues and cells self-repair, but also enhance immune function, improve disease resistance, and improve mental state, it can be said that sleep is a natural tonic.
你是不是整个晚上都翻来覆去睡不着呢?Just try to get off to sleep for a while,don't toss and turn restlessly.需要英语系列课程学习的小伙伴们,可以戳下方专栏来学习了!
The best way to get used to a sleeping routine is to set a specific time each night that you will go to bed.
“Recognize when you are layering worries and don’t beat yourself up,” she said. “Don’t worry about not sleeping or feeling worried. Instead, consider some sort of ‘active relaxation’ practice, such as breath work, progressive relaxation or meditation.”
最让我感动的一件事是,谁生病了,她就会去谁那儿,陪伴他们。Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent can the patients be treated properly in this hospital.
Lethargy有无精打采、死气沉沉的意思,也可以表示昏睡、嗜眠,与之相对的是则是失眠 。Lethargy: the state of not having any energy or enthusiasm for doing things。
参考消息网9月24日报道(文/陈泽安)“班味”出自网络热搜词条“一旦上过班,你的气质就变了”,指的是上班族身上独有的一种疲惫气质,具体表现包括素面朝天、精神涣散、满眼疲惫。在英文中,“班味”可以用“job burnout”来表述。
Communion is the Christian ceremony in which people eat bread and drink wine in memory of Christ’s death.