审稿专家的意见:The name, animal species, dilution, Cat# , Research Resource Identifiers , supplier, and incubation time and temperature of the primary and secondary antibodies need to be indicated.
论文的标题是“Isolation and characterization of a ‘phiKMV-like’ bacteriophage and its therapeutic effect on mink hemorrhagic pneumonia”。
更有甚者,很多已发表的文章因伦理相关问题而撤稿,例如:2022年4月14日,BMC Cancer撤回了一篇发表于2019年5月27日题为“Comparison of minimally invasive Ivor Lewis esophagectomy and left transthoracic esophagectomy in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients: a propensity score-matched analysis”的研究论文。
2022年11月7日,PLOS ONE宣布撤回2011年7月28日发表于该期刊题为“Upregulation of HYAL1 Expression in Breast Cancer Promoted Tumor Cell Proliferation, Migration, Invasion and Angiogenesis”的论文。