Relying on BMW’s strict requirements for the sustainable development of its suppliers, Jinbei Yanfeng is aiming to achieve high-quality and sustainable development by green transformation, and is striving to reach carbon neutrality by 2040.
Climate change is melting Greenland and creating opportunities for investors to hunt for minerals. However, polar bears and other species are faced with vanishing habitats, and graver crises are surely on humanity's horizon.
Promises made on international climate finance must be promises kept. Developed countries must honour their commitments to provide $100 billion a year to developing countries for climate support and fully replenish the Green Climate Fund.
One step towards avoiding yet more disappointment is to emphasise the close link between preserving biodiversity and the widely held goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions.
参考消息网5月9日报道(文/张熠柠) 近日,嫦娥六号的探月任务受到高度关注。外媒普遍注意到,嫦娥六号将尝试从位于月球背面(far side)的“南极”(south pole)采集样本,这在人类尚属首次。
气候变化 climate change减缓和适应气候变化 to mitigate and adapt to climate change全球变暖 global warming脆弱性评估 vulnerability assessment累积碳排放 cumulative carbon