□淄博日报/淄博晚报/博览新闻记者 于谦2023“活力淄博”英语翻译大赛报名开始了!即日起至7月9日,由市外办联合市委市直机关工委、市总工会举办的2023“活力淄博”英语翻译大赛开始报名,比赛将于7月—8月举行。
N海都全媒体记者 肖辛怡为鼓励社会各界积极参与中外文明交流,提升国际传播能力,用融通中外的语言讲好中国故事,更好服务“一带一路”高质量发展,由福建省翻译协会主办的第六届“海丝杯”翻译(口译)大赛将于近日正式启动。
《2024年第三十六届韩素音国际翻译大赛英译汉文章(译家翻译获奖级水平暨国学经典诠释指导版)之三等奖获奖译文赏析》原创 资深英语自由翻译 译家英语翻译与翻译竞赛获奖指导 2024年10月24日 12:39 The Solace of Open Spaces旷野之慰It’s May
In fact, living a person's life is similar to running a business: if a business sells counterfeit and shoddy goods, it will run into trouble sooner or later. If it is only concerned with its immediate interests, the greater is usually sacrificed for the lesser, with the loss outweighing the gain. A person's most valuable capital is his or her diligence and integrity: If the quality is perfect and neither the old nor the young are cheated, gold will eventually shine. As a result, fundamental principles for being a good person and proper guidelines for interacting with others are essential. Perhaps the ideal state is: When a person is young, he immerses himself in hard work and is sunny and open-minded, but he appears mature, speaking and acting cautiously. When he reaches middle age, he is unconcerned about fame and wealth and follows the rules, but he retains a childlike innocence and a high morality. Only in this way can a man set lofty goals, clarify lofty virtues, develop lofty talents, and shoulder lofty responsibilities. Only in this way can he uphold political morality, professional ethics, social morality, and family virtue.