妈妈送儿子高考,却把闺女忘在了考场。In Heze City in East China’s Shandong province, a careless mother left her little daughter alone at the examination site after she drove her son to take Gaokao. A traffic policeman found the lost girl and took her home safely.
总结所以“高考延期”你可以用英语这么说:Gaokao will be postponed a month to July 7th to July 8th.好了,本期的英语小知识希望你学会了。如果想要更进一步,不妨把这句话用英文打一遍,留言给我们哦。
【助记】海神波塞冬Poseidon,能制造海啸和地震,所以pos-=pot-表示“能力”。【真句】Art is everywhere. Any public space has been carefully designed by an artistic mind to be both functional and beautiful. 【2021年6月天津卷】艺术无处不在。
apply含义众多,本文只讨论作“申请”含义是用法。许多人申请了这份工作。You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer .