第五,会议快结束的时候,经过讨论一般会提出行动计划。I will do something.I will discuss with my team and get back to you by this Friday.
Creative accounting involves the use of accounting techniques to present financial statements in a way that may enhance the perceived financial performance of a company.创意会计涉及使用会计技术,以一种可能增强公司财务业绩的方式呈现财务报表。
一、办公室事宜 Office mattersappointment 约会,约定attendance 出席人数;出席cabinet 橱柜calendar 日历;月历;行事历clerk 办事员,书记directory 人名住址薄duplicate 复制;副本filing 归档 in-
The terrorists were building a bomb and planned to set it off in the train station.恐怖袭击分子正在制造一枚炸弹,并计划要在火车站引爆。
The time that you can leave your house is to be announced .经常写邮件的小伙伴们,应该也会经常看到“OOO”这样的字母简称,注意:这可不是“哦哦哦”的意思哦!