■ 张维清(湖北)风翻读一页页山那是一本书——湾潭一溜溜沟,养了一群炊烟,野花花,山茶……种了半亩的乡音,乡恋和乡愁就恋这把黄土,生命线和爱情线扶起的农谚,被秋色收走就恋这把山丘,我把龙骨看成了搓衣板把苦涩,清贫的日子搓亮石磨,嚼着白米,豆子,从牙缝里挤出的浆,宛如母亲喂给我的乳
The first youth realism poetry, the reincarnation of life, the collection of personal poetry, red sandalwood singing lightly and snow hiding, was compiled by myself. The works were published in magazines such as Northern Poetry Journal and Kwantung Wenyuan. Advocating the style of ancient rhyme and advocating the popularization, normalization and preciseness of new poems. The pen names used before: Stone Bridge, Shihuang, sea wave, cloud Crane, etc. Ran Guo Xin is a representative poet of the modern new school.
编者按:为庆祝中国人民解放军建军96周年,国家税务总局诗书画研究会、中华儿促会艺术表演专业委员会、野草诗社、玉南诗书画社、玉寿文化艺术苑等单位日前组织征集诗词作品,举办《军歌嘹亮 军魂永驻——纪念“八一”建军节》诗歌朗诵会。现辑选部分作品以飨读者。