“Elf's ear”, a name given to a newly emerging beauty trend, has been introduced by beauty-obsessed gurus on Chinese online platforms such as Sina Weibo. It has recently become the target of criticism for promoting unhealthy standards of beauty and increasing women's anxiety about their appearance. It seems that netizens have finally had enough of these types of “beauty” trends and they are calling for an end to them, and other extreme methods, that set unrealistic standards.
来源:环球时报法国《焦点报》6月13日文章,原题:精灵耳,中国整容新时尚 在中国整容领域,“00后”已经开始选择为自己“剪裁”出小精灵那样的尖耳朵。尖耳朵是中国美容出现的一项新趋势:有人认为,拥有小精灵那样尖尖的耳朵可以让面部显瘦因此更显年轻。