作者:Chin-Ping Hu, Takuto Narita, Teruaki Enoto, George Younes, Zorawar Wadiasingh, Matthew G. Baring, Wynn C. G. Ho, Sebastien Guillot, Paul S. Ray, Tolga Güver, Kaustubh Rajwade, Zaven Arzoumanian, Chryssa Kouveliotou, Alice K. Harding & Keith C. Gendreau。
编译 | 王方一项对数十万名科学家发表的论文进行的分析显示,“早熟”科学家的数量在过去几年出现了激增。“早熟”科学家指的是那些在职业生涯早期就发表高被引论文的作者。研究发现,许多“早熟”作者发表了数量很“极端”的论文——平均每周发表一篇以上。
编译 | 未玖Science, 13 SEP 2024, VOL 385, ISSUE 6714《科学》2024年9月13日,第385卷,6714期材料科学Materials ScienceStoichiometric reconstruction of the Al2O3(00
编译 | 未玖Nature, 2 January 2025, Volume 637, Issue 8044《自然》2025年1月2日,第637卷,8044期天文学AstronomyMagnetospheric origin of a fast radio burst constr
编译 | 李言Nature, 22 February 2024, Volume 626 Issue 8000《自然》,2024年2月22日,第626卷,8000期天文学AstronomyA lanthanide-rich kilonova in the aftermath of
编译 | 冯维维Nature, Volume 635 Issue 8039, 21 November 2024《自然》第635卷,8039期,2024年11月21日物理学PhysicsA giant planet transiting a 3-Myr protostar with
Abstract:Understanding the origin of bright shooting stars and their meteorite samples is among the most ancient of astronomy-related questions, which at larger scales has human consequences. As of today, only approximately 6% of meteorite falls have been firmly linked to their sources . Here we show that approximately 70% of meteorites originate from three recent break-ups of D > 30 km asteroids that occurred 5.8, 7.6 and less than about 40 Myr ago. These break-ups, including the well-known Karin family, took place in the prominent yet old Koronis and Massalia families and are at the origin of the dominance of H and L ordinary chondrites among meteorite falls. These young families are distinguished among all main belt asteroids by having a uniquely high abundance of small fragments. Their size–frequency distribution remained steep for a few tens of millions of years, exceeding temporarily the production of metre-sized fragments by the largest old asteroid families . Supporting evidence includes the existence of associated dust bands, the cosmic-ray exposure ages of H-chondrite meteorites and the distribution of the pre-atmospheric orbits of meteorites.
编译 | 冯维维Science, VOLUME 385,ISSUE 6715,20 SEP 2024《科学》第385卷,6715期,2024年9月20日物理学PhysicsSqueezing the quantum noise of a gravitational-wave de
编译 | 冯维维Science, 30 Jun 2023, Volume 380, Issue 6652《科学》6月30日,第380卷,6652期物理学PhysicsObservation of high-energy neutrinos from the Galactic pl
编译 | 冯维维Nature, Volume 634 Issue 8032, 3 October 2024《自然》,第634卷,8032期,2024年10月3日物理学PhysicsMars’s induced magnetosphere can degenerate火星感应磁层会
Abstract:Type Ia supernovae are cosmic distance indicators, and the main source of iron in the Universe, but their formation paths are still debated. Several dozen supersoft X-ray sources, in which a white dwarf accretes hydrogen-rich matter from a non-degenerate donor star, have been observed and suggested as Type Ia supernovae progenitors. However, observational evidence for hydrogen, which is expected to be stripped off the donor star during the supernova explosion, is lacking. Helium-accreting white dwarfs, which would circumvent this problem, have been predicted for more than 30 years, including their appearance as supersoft X-ray sources, but have so far escaped detection. Here we report a supersoft X-ray source with an accretion disk whose optical spectrum is completely dominated by helium, suggesting that the donor star is hydrogen-free. We interpret the luminous and supersoft X-rays as resulting from helium burning near the surface of the accreting white dwarf. The properties of our system provide evidence for extended pathways towards Chandrasekhar-mass explosions based on helium accretion, in particular for stable burning in white dwarfs at lower accretion rates than expected so far. This may allow us to recover the population of the sub-energetic so-called Type Iax supernovae, up to 30% of all Type Ia supernovae, within this scenario.
编译 | 冯维维SCIENCE, VOLUME 380|ISSUE 6649|9 JUN 2023《科学》第380卷,6649期,2023年6月9日物理学PhysicsConstraints on the Hubble constant from supernova Refsda
编译 | 李言Science, 3 JAN 2025, Volume 387 Issue 6729《科学》2025年1月3日,第387卷,6729期化学ChemistryLandscape profiling of PET depolymerases using a natura
编译 | 冯维维Nature, Volume 635 Issue 8037, 7 November 2024《自然》, 第635卷,8037期,2024年11月7日物理学PhysicsPreferential occurrence of fast radio bursts in
Abstract:Engineering the structure of grain boundaries by solute segregation is a promising strategy to tailor the properties of polycrystalline materials. Solute segregation triggering phase transitions at GBs has been suggested theoretically to offer different pathways to design interfaces, but an understanding of their intrinsic atomistic nature is missing. We combined atomic resolution electron microscopy and atomistic simulations to discover that iron segregation to GBs in titanium stabilizes icosahedral units that form robust building blocks of distinct GB phases. Owing to their five-fold symmetry, the iron cages cluster and assemble into hierarchical GB phases characterized by a different number and arrangement of the constituent icosahedral units. Our advanced GB structure prediction algorithms and atomistic simulations validate the stability of these observed phases and the high excess of iron at the GB that is accommodated by the phase transitions.
编译 | 冯维维Science, Volume 381, Issue 6655, 21 Jul 2023《科学》2023年7月21日,第381卷,6655期化学ChemistryIn situ photocatalytically enhanced thermogalvanic
编译 | 李言Science, 18 OCT 2024, Volume 386 Issue 6719《科学》2024年10月18日,第386卷,6719期材料科学Material SciencesCapacity recovery by transient voltage pul