铁路英文一天一句 Everyday Rail English2015 年 8 月 3 日03 August 2015冯琰 David Feng本次列车开往延庆方向列车运行前方到站是清河站This train is bound for Yanqing.
举个例子:Yesterday morning, due to heavy fog, some high-speed rail trains on the Beijing-Shanghai route were delayed or even suspended.
此次中国铁路在脸书、推特发布的形象宣传片《What Makes China Railways the Best in the World》触达海外受众超50万人次,中国高铁的高颜值、高速度、高技术,再次成功“圈粉”海内外。
铁路英文一天一句 Everyday Rail English2015 年 8 月 5 日05 August 2015冯琰 David Feng此出口限于高峰时期开放This Exit Open Only During Peak Times如果车站有此设置,可能将一部分出口设置为仅
商务部长是在向美国人介绍中国,她当然知道很多美国人对上海与北京之间的距离是没有具体概念的,所以她就补充了一句Beijing to Shanghai, a distance comparable to the journey from New York to Atlanta or Chicago, “北京到上海的距离基本上与纽约到亚特兰大或纽约到芝加哥的距离相当”。
亲爱的乘客们:Welcome to Xian City Subway,欢迎乘坐西安城市地铁,this train is bound for Xian Bei Ke Zhan station,本次列车开往北客站方向,we are now at Zhong Lou Station,钟楼站到了,passengers please get ready to get off the train,下车的乘客请提前做好准备。
The China Railway Express is an international multimodal container rail transport service. The freight trains run across China and European countries as well as all countries and regions along the Belt and Road Initiative routes.