Spring and AllWritten by William Carlos Williams(1883-1963)By the road to the contagious hospitalUnder the surge of the blueMottled clouds d
A poetry-themed cultural wall at the Former Site of Xinmin Institute, Yuelu District, Changsha was completed and opened to the public recently. The 90-meter-long wall displays 24 poems created by Mao Zedong, Cai Hesen, Xiang Jingyu, and other Xinmin Institute members and related personnel, aiming to publicize the red or revolutionary culture to the public.
chinese-poetry 数据集包含 5.5 万首唐诗、26 万首宋诗、2.1 万首宋词和其他古典文集。古诗是中华民族乃至全世界的瑰宝,我们应该传承下去,虽然有古典文集,但大多数人并没有拥有这些书籍。
Poetry 是 Python 中的依赖管理和打包工具,它允许你声明项目所依赖的库,并为你管理它们。相比于 Pipev,我觉得 poetry 更加清爽,显示更友好一些,虽然它的打包发布我们一般不使用,但是其他的虚拟环境管理也是非常方便的。
Under the Paris towerBy HuangJunhaoIn innocent and brilliant childhood.I dreamed to the distant and faraway tower.
娄底新闻网讯(通讯员 姚梦琦)用英文诵读经典古诗,向世界传播中华文化。4月14日,万宝镇茶园中学举行小学生英语诗歌朗诵比赛,共有19名来自茶园中心小学、磨子石学校、群益学校的学生参加。此次比赛分为三年级、四年级两场。
春天来了,让我们一起读几首关于春天的英文诗歌,扫去心头的阴霾,向春天问好吧!02Springis HereSpring is Here. In the air, in the water, in children’s eyesThe leaves are out, the gra
《英文诗歌导赏》精彩回顾A Short Introductionto English Poetry聆听耶鲁顶尖文学教授“气泡音”读诗翻读历经时光积淀的经典英文诗篇,觅得一位顶尖文学大师点拨一二,在蝉鸣渐息的夏夜里天马行空,《英文诗歌导赏》告诉你:诗与远方,应该这样追寻!