对于新手小白来说添加摄像机到硬盘录像机上面总会出问题,添加成功后,显示不在线怎么办?问题出在设备设置上面,2) 检查摄像头的设置或参数是否出现不匹配,比如网络问题、onvif协议、视频的压缩格式等等,需要电脑访问摄像头配置,更改一下就可以了。
海康录像机,提示萤石云远程不在线1.确认录像机的LAN口与路由器已用网线连接好。2. 点击网络配置—基本配置, 将IPV4地址设置成与路由器同网段的IP地址,子网掩码,默认网关填成路由器的地址,首选DNS地址填写成114.114.114.114,备用可填写当地运营商的DNS地址;
看来wget之前也存在此类问题,于是继续搜索标准,输出如下:The presence of a message body in a response depends on both the request method to which it is responding and the response status code . Responses to the HEAD request method never include a message body because the associated response header fields , if present, indicate only what their values would have been if the request method had been GET . 2xx responses to a CONNECT request method switch to tunnel mode instead of having a message body. All 1xx , 204 , and 304 responses do not include a message body. All other responses do include a message body, although the body might be of zero length.