在2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会全球服务贸易峰会上的致辞。Good evening. On behalf of the government and people of China and also in my own name, I wish to extend a warm welcome and cordial greetings to all the distinguished guests of the 2021 China International Fair for Trade in Services .
The State Council has approved a plan to promote high-quality development of foreign trade during the 14th Five-Year Plan period . To make China a modern socialist country and build a community with a shared future for mankind, the plan calls for cultivating new advantages in global economic cooperation and competition, and creating a new prospect for international trade featuring openness, cooperation, inclusiveness, benefits for all, sharing and win-win outcomes, and facilitating dual circulation.
China's foreign trade of goods jumped 9.9 percent year on year to 31.11 trillion yuan during the first nine months of the year, official data showed Monday. Exports rose 13.8 percent year on year to 17.67 trillion yuan, while imports increased 5.2 percent from a year ago to 13.44 trillion yuan, according to the General Administration of Customs.
2023年中国国际服务贸易交易会9月2日至6日在北京举行,主题为“开放引领发展 合作共赢未来”。共有83个国家和国际组织设展办会,超过2400家企业线下参展。今年服贸会共设置全球服务贸易峰会、展览展示、论坛会议、推介洽谈、成果发布和配套活动六类活动。
Chinahas stepped up resuming production and is making a contribution to a more stable international industrial chain. A slew of financial me
Creative accounting involves the use of accounting techniques to present financial statements in a way that may enhance the perceived financial performance of a company.创意会计涉及使用会计技术,以一种可能增强公司财务业绩的方式呈现财务报表。