2016.1-2020.3:2016 年初开始,受益于半导体消费快速增加,叠加国内供给侧改革导致企业亏 损,因而减产,锡价由 1.33 万美元/吨升至当年年底的 2.19 万美元/吨,一直到 2019 年中,基本 稳定在 2 万美元/吨上下,波动幅度很小。
Guangxu Yuanbao was the currency of the Qing Dynasty. At that time, it was in the period of westernization Movement. This trend of thought also affected the coin minting industry. Later, provinces followed suit and bought foreign machinery to cast silver, which also made silver coins with a Western color.
资源储量:根 据 公 司 2021 年 年 报 披 露 , 银 / 锌 / 铅 / 铜 / 锡 / 锑 / 镍 / 铁 储 量 达 1.05/236.72/59.89/20.80/21.05/14.34/32.84/574.75万吨。