红网时刻新闻4月17日讯(通讯员 邓享 陈思雨)近日,湖南省胸科医院成功为一位患有严重肺结核合并支气管胸膜瘘及脓胸的患者实施了胸腔镜辅助下的左侧胸膜全肺切除手术,该微创手术缩短了患者的住院时间,加快了康复速度,为患者带来了新的希望。
【 Abstract】 Objects Including to discuss the relatio nship of preoperative pulmonany functio nin assessment and postopera tive complicatio nand mortality in pneumonectomy of the patients older than sixty .Methods Wereviewed our ex pe- rience with 42 patie nts older than six ty w ho unde rwent pneumo nectomy .Preo pe rative pulmonany functionin assessment including M V V %, F EV1%, D LCO%, hold br eath test and arterial bloo d gas analy sis were obse rved .The patients with no post opera tive complication and thepatients with major po st o pe rative complications or mo rtalitie s were co mpa red. Results T her e were 12 patients sufferd major post ope rativ e complications and 2 cases dead .FEV 1%, D LCO% and hold breath test were significa ntly diffe rent fr om fhat of the patients with no posto perative complica tion。