aback 向后 abed 在床上 ablaze 发光、着火。close closet closure conclude conclusion conclusive disclose disclosure enclose exclude exclusion exclusive include inclusion preclude seclude。
为帮助英语初学者轻松的记忆单词,我们整理归纳了15个以字母"C"开头的英语词根及其解释和相关单词:Cad-:堕落、下降例如:cadaver (尸体)、cadence (节奏)、decadence (衰落)Celer-:快速例如:celerity (迅速)、accelerate (
So let us stand firm in our resolve to receive different perspectives with an open heart. Together, let us be catalysts for positive change, breaking free from the chains of societal pressure and embracing the power of diversity to create a more harmonious and inclusive world.
在这场为真理而战的伟大斗争中,存在已久的教会教条输给了理性主义者和科学家。These galaxies may constitute an answer to the long-standing puzzle of the missing baryonic mass in the universe.
,来看两个例子:The crimes are within a 7-mile radius, but the neighborhoods are all completely different. They range from poor to rich, industrial to residential. 这些罪案发生在方圆七英里以内,但范围内的社区环境却都截然不同,从穷人区到富人区,从工业区到纯住宅小区各种类型都有;