至今以第一作者在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Energy Environmental Science, Nature Communication等国际期刊发表论文十余篇。
Xing Cheng, Yueshuai Wang, Yue Lu, Lirong Zheng, Shaorui Sun,Hongyi Li, Ge Chen, Jiujun Zhang*, Single-Atom Alloy with Pt-Co Dual Sites as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2022,。
近日,来自大连理工大学的石川教授与内蒙古大学高瑞研究员合作,在国际知名期刊Small上发表题为“Re-Dispersion of Platinum From CNTs Substrate to α-MoC1-x to Boost the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction”的观点文章。
基于此,陕西师范大学翟全国教授团队,在期刊Small上,发表了题为“Monodispersed Pt sites Supported on NiFe-LDH from Synchronous Anchoring and Reduction for High Efficiency Overall Water Splitting”的文章。
相关论文以” Decoupling the electronic and geometric effects of Pt catalysts in selective hydrogenation reaction”发表在Nat. Commun.