We all go through stressful situations. Not all days at work could be chilled out ones. Nothing better happens in stress though, your productivity is nowhere going to shoot up. Stress is not always bad, sometimes it helps you stay focused and active which I think most of us intend to. But in this cut-throat competitive world , you cannot afford to make costly mistakes which will take a toll on your career and emotional antennas. If your work demands you to strive for long hours to meet deadlines, at times it is fine to stretch yourself beyond your limits. But if the stress continues, it may destroy your peace of mind and it serves you no better at job satisfaction.
巴黎挺好,未来遐想无限在巴黎的阳光下,樊振东那句“巴黎挺好,未来一定更好”轻轻落下,却像石子投入平静的湖面,激起了层层涟漪。这话里,藏着对过往的肯定,更有着对未来无限可能的憧憬。网友们纷纷调侃:“小胖这是不是在暗示,巴黎只是起点,米兰、洛杉矶才是 他的星辰大海?