The most central root in the word “activate” is “act”. “Act” is a common root that means “to do” or “to perform”. “Active” is an adjective formed from “act” and the suffix “-ive”, which means “characterized by” or “tending to”. “Activate” is a verb formed from “active” and the suffix “-ate”, which means “to make something happen” or “to put into action”.
熟语,指常用的固定短语。如:乱七八糟、不管三七二十一、死马当作活马医等。熟语用词固定、语义结合紧密、语音和谐,是语言中独立运用的词汇单位,它包括成语、谚语、歇后语和惯用语。熟语一般具有两个特点:结构上的稳定性、意义上的整体性。成 语成语是中国汉字语言词汇中定型的词。
120个文言实词词义推导+成语助记1.爱 词义推导:“爱”在古代常有“吝啬,舍不得”的意义,“舍不得”自然就会“喜欢”并加以“爱护”。由“喜欢”可推出“亲爱的,心爱的”,如“爱女”。 【成语助记】爱不释手: 爱:喜爱。喜爱得舍不得放手。节用爱民: 爱:爱护。