国防部昨天警告台毒的 “早晚收了你”引发热议,官方的翻译是"We will come and get you, sooner or later"。该翻译既保留了中文的强硬语气,又符合英语口语化表达习惯。
Let him be fierce, let him be fierce - the bright moon shines upon the great river. 重复结构“Let him be...”对应中文的“他...任他...”句式,“gentle breeze”突出柔和特质,“caresses”体现轻柔触感,“bright moon”强调月光皎洁,“shines upon”增强画面感,“great river”保持中文的恢弘气势.
王毅先生的这段话运用了中文诗歌的意象手法,体现了战略定力的外交智慧。以下是兼顾文学性和外交专业性的英译版本:官方译本:“Let them flex their strength as they may, like a gentle breeze caressing the hillside;
let him be fierce, the bright moon still illuminates the great river.” This is the magnanimity of the Chinese people, the character of the Chinese nation. No matter from which direction the wind blows, I remain composed and steadfast, immovable.
直译: “The cosmos moves with vigor;a noble person ceaselessly strives to strengthen themselves.”是否需要进一步调整风格?