3-7 主要年份职工平均工资AVERAGE WAGE OF STAFF AND WORKERS IN MAIN YEARS单位:元Units:Yuan年份Year全市市区海安如东启东如皋海门通州区MunicipailityUrban AreasTongzhouHai'anRudo
据壹航运最新获悉:昨天,ZIM以星航运发布公告称:该公司已经与越南最大的班轮运营商之一、胡志明证券交易所上市企业HAI AN TRANSPORT AND STEVEDORING JSC共同成立了一家合资航运企业--Lotus Link。
取得国外标准认证或注册的非医用口罩生产企业清单序号生产企业统一社会信用代码国外注册认证情况1上海大胜卫生用品制造有限公司Shanghai Dasheng Health Products Manufacture Company, Ltd.913101176073783415U.S.
让我们在一幅幅漫画之中了解南通、走进南通,希冀更多海内外朋友在此中感受江海南通的独特魅力。About 4,000 years ago, the abruptly changed global climate led to rising sea levels. As a result, the Lixiahe sedimentary plain sank, and the Qingdun culture disappeared into history.
After being rescued from the crisis, Ennin and his entourage disembarked at the mouth of the ancient Heng River in Baipu.