请点击右上角蓝色“+关注”,关注阿卡索少儿英语头条号,及时接收精彩内容。看视频学英语!今天的学习让我们跟着佩奇一家,一起去超市Shopping 购物,学习购物过程中的一些英语表达!Peppa 和 George喜欢购物,你喜欢吗?
Narrator: Peppa and her friends, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Rebecca Rabbit, are riding their bicycles. 佩奇和她的朋友们,小狗丹尼,小羊苏西和小兔瑞贝卡,一起在骑自行车。
啊,它朝着我们的汽车走过去了!Another reason we say:Cars are parked at owner's risk.车辆自愿停放,损坏概不负责。And that's the end of the tour!
今天是个雨天,幼儿园的屋顶又开始漏水了。没有,现在更糟糕了!This is a big hole you've got here!这个地方有个很大的洞。It's going to cost a lot of money to fix!因为你还需要再上去重新跳一次伞。
Miss Rabbit:Yes,a taxi will be with you shortly.我马上就赶过去接您。Miss Rabbit:Sorry to have kept you waiting.很抱歉,让你们久等了。