小伙伴们心情低落,你该如何鼓励他们不要放弃,再接再厉?英文中鼓励的话都有哪些?1. Keep up the good work!干得不错,要保持!2. That's a real improvement.真的有进步哦!3. Come on, you can do it.
今天大家和Swagger一起来学习一下酸甜苦辣用英文怎么说哦!点击下方swagger上课录音效果更好哦!正文内容:1.Go for it!可以理解为“上吧”A:I'm gonna win this match.我要赢B:Go for it!-冲吧!2.Fighting.
大家平时容易写错、用错的字词,以供参考。A 唉声叹气 易误作“哀声叹气”。 挨过寒冬 “挨”指困难地度过,常有人误写为“捱”。“捱”是已被淘汰的异体字。 按部就班 易误作“按步就班”。 按捺不住 易误作“按耐不住”。 安详 易误作“安祥”。
英文小故事61,英语口语,4分钟。During the Spring Festival holiday, Aya’s family visits the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum was home to the Ming and Qing emperors. It was also home to the Chinese dragons.Aya watches the dragons on the walls, doors and windows …
GESE results have been released, and Haiqing has achieved another success.Congratulations to the candidates who have successfully passed the grade and obtained the certificate of international authoritative English level.
I'm out. 我退出!我不干了!I'm in. 我加入!I'll pass. 我就不参加了/我就不要了。I'll take it. 我接受任务/我来处理。Make it quick. 快点说/快点。Rain check. 下次再约吧。 It's done.搞定了。
东京奥组委主席桥本圣子在致辞中表示:She was “overwhelmed” by the astonishing performances of all Paralympians, adding “your impact as Paralympians have a message for all of us. You have inspired many of us to start our own new journeys. You have given us the insight and the power to look at ourselves and shape our own futures.”她被每一位残奥运动员的精彩表现所折服,“你们的行为给我们所有人传递了一种信息,激励很多人开启新的旅程。你们带给我们重新审视自己的洞见和力量,让我们可以重新规划自己的未来。”
中国日报7月18日电 近日,由中国青年科学家们联合创办的全球排名第三的综合性科技期刊The Innovation旗下生命科学领域姊妹刊The Innovation Life(http://www.the-innovation.