序 言 (一) 本书作为国家社会科学基金重点项目“计量经济学模型方法论基础研究”(08AJY001)和“211工程”三期重点学科建设项目“数量经济学理论创新、模型系统研制与数据中心建设”的研究成果,由我近年来独立完成或者与合作者合作完成的20余篇研究论文结集而
第二章 经济学的关系论转向——计量经济学的经济学基础 第一节 正统经济学知识的性质与开放的经济学方法论[1] 【内容提要】 正统经济学贫瘠的理论基础,直接导致计量经济学的方法论混乱——在先验理论导向和数据关系导向之间摇摆。
内 容 简 介 本书是关于计量经济学模型方法论的研究专著,从哲学、经济学、统计学和数学的基本原理出发,对计量经济学模型的经济学基础、模型设定理论与方法、模型对数据的依赖性、模型应用的功能与局限,以及计量经济学课程建设等重大问题进行了系统、深入的讨论。
Abstract: J. Berner, the founder of science, also used his statistics and charts in the social function of science, and expounded his views and views on the basis of quantitative analysis. Driven by the mathematical trend of science, scientific research has also gradually embarked on the road of quantitative determination, this quantitative research integrated the early scattered statistical analysis of science, and grew increasingly, and finally formed the discipline of scientific metrology. In particular, the work contribution of D. Price, whose two foundation works of his scientific metrology, “Science Since Babylon” and “Small Science, Great Science”, represent the mathematics of science. Thus he was hailed as the father of scientific metrology. The research conclusion of scientific metrology is more objective, which helps to deepen the understanding of the nature of science and technology and its development law, so as to provide reference and guidance for scientific research management work and scientific and technological strategy and policy formulation.