Okay.I got you.If you say someone drives you up the wall,you means they drive you made,they drive you crazy,they make you unhappy.
例:The boy over there is John’s brother. 那边的那个男孩儿是约翰的哥哥。例:in the ninth century 在第九世纪 in 2002 在 2002年 in May 在五月。
英格丽·迈克尔森(Ingrid Michaelson),是一名出生于美国纽约斯泰顿(Staten Island )岛的独立创作型歌手。Ingrid的歌曲风格与其个人风格相似,能灵活多变地运用各种乐器演奏。
阳光伴着三角梅 如瀑如流 倾泻而下关不住的粉花 青叶 嫩蕊将满园春色 洒满院墙The sunlight along with Bougainvillea are pouring as waterfallThose vivid pink blossoms and tender le
【单词】教室物品classroom window blackboard light picture door teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor【句子】1、We have a new classroom. 我们有一间新教室。
The snow had banked up against the wall.网络 潮湿 /阴湿的 /透水的 /裆。People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.
611. Nobody has ever solved this problem. 没有人曾解决过这个问题。896. He appears to be your friend but I doubt if he is. 他看上去像是你的朋友,但我怀疑他是否是真心的。